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Exodus (People's Bible Commentary)
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$ 12.44
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$ 14.99 |
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Item Number |
150004 |
Item Description... Exodus (People's Bible Commentary) by Ernst H. Wendland
Item Specifications...
Pages 256
Dimensions: Length: 7.8" Width: 5.1" Height: 0.8" Weight: 0.65 lbs.
Release Date Jul 1, 2024
Publisher Concordia Publishing House
ISBN 0758604165 EAN 9780758604163
Availability 3 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 27, 2024 02:01.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Product Categories 1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Commentaries > Old Testament [2074 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A disappointing offering from a fellow Wisconsinite. Apr 11, 2007 |
After reading John C.L. Gibson's commentaries on Genesis, I was looking forward to this work on the book of Exodus. I have only been deep into theology for a few years and I found no new insights into the spirituality or history of the book of Exodus, nor did I find any strong cases for continued study of Exodus in this day and age of Christianity. The introduction to the People's Bible series that this book is a part of stresses the need for contemporary commentaries. There is virtually nothing contemporary in this book. The vast majority of chapters are merely summarized by Wendland. When he does provide 'new' information, it is to reference New Testament verses which he thought appropriate. Reading Wendland's summaries actually made New Testament verses I've already memorized seem fresh again! I can understand taking the opportunity to point out obvious parallels between the two testaments, but when these are the only parallels drawn it merely serves to drive readers away from Old Testament theology and toward New.
From Gibson's truly remarkable work on Genesis, among many others, I know that there is more religious and spiritual insights available in the Old Testament. I will be seeking them outside of the People's Bible series from now on. | | Write your own review about Exodus (People's Bible Commentary)