OverviewOn high quality compact discs, Eric Martin narrates this popular non-dramatized version of the New American Bible on audio CD. This NAB translation is the achievement of some fifty biblical scholars. These Catholic scholars have approached more closely than ever before the sense of what the sacred authors actually wrote. From the original and oldest available texts of the sacred books, with a better understanding of Hebrew and Greek and the science of textual criticism, and with the fruits of patient study, these translators and editors have developed this contemporary version that is sure to respond to the need of the church in America today. The narrator, Eric Martin, has worked as a journalist, narrator, actor, writer, and radio broadcaster, and has received National and International honors in the field of narration.
Pages 14
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 6.32" Width: 6.48" Height: 1.3" Weight: 0.8 lbs.
Binding CD
Release Date Dec 1, 2023
ISBN 1930034202 EAN 9781930034204 UPC 9781930034204
Bible Binding: Compact Disc Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 0.00 Version: NAB
Availability 0 units.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Good, but dull narration Jan 24, 2009 |
This is accurate but dull narration. The voice is fairly monotone. I wish I had paid the money for another version. |
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