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Item Description... The new English Standard Version translation is founded on the belief that the words of the Bible are the very words of God. Setting itself apart from other translations by sacrificing neither accuracy nor readability, the ESV is an "essentially literal" translation that seeks to duplicate the original texts while taking into account the differences between modern English and the original languages. ESV sets a new standard--and is truly a Bible for all people. This Classic Thinline Edition of the ESV features: The Complete English Standard Version Bible Two-column Format Complete ESV Classic Reference Concordance with over 12,000 entries Weights & Measures Table Clear 9.5 Point Text Words of Christ in Red 8 Pages of Full-Color Maps Presentation Pages Family Record Section Ribbon Marker Gold Page Edging Genuine Leather, Black
Item Specifications...
Pages 1120
Dimensions: Length: 9.4" Width: 6.3" Height: 1.2" Weight: 1.45 lbs.
Release Date Sep 1, 2024
ISBN 1581345038 EAN 9781581345032
Bible Binding: Genuine Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 8.20 Version: ESV Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 267 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 08, 2024 02:40.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A word on The Word. Aug 4, 2008 |
I have spent the first year of my Christian life, reading from the New International version (NIV) of the Holy Bible. I thank God for such an easy to read, well organized version. However, to you who are reading this, I sincerely suggest the English Standard Version (ESV). A far more literal translation with a high degree of readability; not to mention a great subtext including helpful Hebrew word translations.
The book itself is excellently bound and durable. I love how it remains open to the page I'm reading out of. Especially when teaching out of it. For you would-be preachers, this is a great bible to wave in the air (in love)! It's light and travel-ready. Enjoy His Scripture! Jesus be praised! | |  | ESV Thinline Bible, Genuine Leather, Black, Red Letter Text (Leather Bound) Jul 25, 2007 |
I have to say, I am impressed. After having read many reviews of Crossway Bibles on here, particularly the leather bound ones, I was skeptical about purchasing this. Apparently Crossway typically falls short of good binding expectations. However, I needed an ESV translation and wanted a leather bound version, so I thought I would try this.
Surprisingly, I was not let down. The leather cover is hard and not as comfortable to hold as a Cambridge Bible. But it still bends just the same as one and isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The pages are nice but need some cracking in like many Bibles in the lower price range do. The pages do not seem to be sewn, and sound like they are glued. The ribbon to mark the pages is standard, and extends past the bottom of the page by about two inches. The word itself is great. No chapter introductions, no cross reference system, and the simplest of footnotes. This is a pure ESV edition. The font is of a standard size and easy to read with Christ's words in red. I've heard complaints of the pages being thin with lots of bleed-through which effect the reading, and although that is true, most of the time I find it has little effect on the reading.
The translation itself is great. I used to use NIV primarily (KJV for selected chapters or verses), but as my church began using ESV in service, I must say I think I will be switching to this as my primary Bible in contemporary English, replacing NIV. Most notable are the translations of "hell", which in many places has been fixed to reflect it's original and true meaning (Sheol in Hebrew or hades in Greek for the dead or the grave, commonly found in the OT; and the NT translation for Gehenna still says hell, but has a footnote saying it's Gehenna [The hell in Peter has a footnote for its proper translation, Tartarus, a place for fallen angels waiting for judgment day]). Most footnotes are simply about specific words in Hebrew or Greek, so they are very valuable, yet still simple (not clutter). Overall it helps one to understand the true meaning of the Word by its accuracy.
The overall quality is decent for the price. Based on reviews of ESV translations, I'd say this is your best bet for a simple leather bound version unless you're looking to spend money on one of the calfskin Bibles, which I've heard great things about. Still though, I'm waiting for a very nice edition of the ESV to come out, but this will do fine in the meantime. Thanks for reading, I hope it's been helpful. | |  | A great bible May 30, 2007 |
I was looking for a text-only bible in ESV that was compact but still readable, and genuine leather. This is it. Great price. Other reviews have said the print "bleeds" through, but none that I observed. Ordering couldn't have been easier and I got it before I expected. | |  | Wonderful Translation... Dec 20, 2006 |
but the bonded leather edition of the thinline version is of a "Oh, come on Crossway!" type quality. It seems nothing more than an plastic type of rubber. The genuine leather binding is good. And I've recently purchased the large print version. One online Christian book seller states that the ESV large print bible is their most popular bible in sales.
Don't miss this translation!
| |  | Excellent Translation, Poor Leather May 21, 2004 |
In our day of mass marketing and mass production, Crossway Books would do well to learn the lessons of Thomas Nelson. Nelson once published excellent Bibles with great leather texture, binding, and onion skin paper. However, Nelson has abandoned that now and makes cheap, mass production Bibles simply because people buy them and it costs nothing for Nelson to make them. For me this is the case with this edition from Crossway. The translation is excellent and I rank it up there with the NASB and the NKJV. But the genuine leather and the entire Bible itself apart from the text is not very good. I would love to see Crossway come out with a quality genuine leather, center-cross references, verse formatted, and thumb-indexed. I believe in time they will. | | Write your own review about ESV Classic Thinline Bible-RL-Black Genuine