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Storm Breaks (Job) (Welwyn Commentaries)
Our Price |
$ 14.81
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$ 18.99 |
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$ 4.18 (22%) |
Item Number |
47198 |
Item Description...
Product Description The book of Job is the harrowing story of a man whose life changed so dramatically in the course of a few short days. It is about the problem of suffering and the answer to the problem is not seen in
Additional Information The book of Job is the harrowing story of a man whose life changed so dramatically in the course of a few short days. It is about the problem of suffering and the answer to the problem is not seen in the comments of Job's counselors but more importantly in his response to suffering. The book of Job teaches us how to respond to difficulties in our lives. Because Job never lost faith, he is a model of cross-bearing and he teaches us to persevere even in the incomprehensible ways of God in our lives.
Item Specifications...
Pages 352
Dimensions: Length: 8.53" Width: 5.4" Height: 1.08" Weight: 1 lbs.
Release Date Jun 1, 2024
ISBN 0852343361 EAN 9780852343364
Availability 2 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 18, 2024 12:27.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Roseburg, OR.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Scholarly and Pastoral Mar 1, 2002 |
I am a pastor and have appreciated all of the volumes in this series. They have been careful to deal with scholarly details, and yet not encumbered by them. This volume seems like a series of sermons that grew out of his pastoral ministry. I found as I worked through Job that this was one of the commentaries I kept in front of me. | |  | Scholarly and Pastoral Mar 1, 2002 |
I am a pastor and have appreciated all of the volumes in this series. They have been careful to deal with scholarly details, and yet not encumbered by them. This volume seems like a series of sermons that grew out of his pastoral ministry. I found as I worked through Job myself that this was one of the commentaries I kept in front of me. | | Write your own review about Storm Breaks (Job) (Welwyn Commentaries)