Forgiven and Set Free: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women [Paperback]
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OverviewDeals with a very emotional subject in a Bible study workbook format that allows for a step-by-step study and analysis of often deeply buried feelings of stress, guilt, and shame.
Publishers DescriptionComing to terms with the pain, guilt, and grief of an abortion
Forgiven and Set Free, an inspired Bible study that can be used by individual women or by a group, effectively ministers God's healing grace of women who are suffering remorse and guilt after an abortion.
Forgiven and Set Free guides suffering and hurting women to bring their emotional scars from abortion "out of the dark past and into his holy light," where true and lasting healing can take place.
Pages 112
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.8" Width: 5.8" Height: 0.3" Weight: 0.35 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Apr 5, 2024
Publisher Baker Publishing Group
ISBN 080105723X EAN 9780801057236
Availability 78 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 09, 2024 02:34.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Forgiven and Set Free Mar 8, 2007 |
This study has proven to be very healing and I highly recommend it. |
 | A place to find healing Feb 6, 2007 |
We use these books in our Post-Abortion classes and so many women have experienced God's TRUE healing because of it. Women no longer have to live in shame from their abortion. Once they're able to confess it, forgiveness abounds them! AMEN! I recommend this book to anyone who's needing to be set free from the bondage of abortion. |
 | Forgiven and Set Free Jan 6, 2007 |
This book is well written, a page turner for anyone who has been touched by abortion. The Bible study is thoughtful, biblically based all the way and actually transforms one from pain and guilt to freedom and an ability to put the experience in the past and move on. It does not require that the reader be familiar with the Bible but rather a willingness to be set free. It delivers on its intentions and I have used it to teach post abortion Bible studies.
 | Simply Amazing May 5, 2006 |
For any woman dealing with the shame of a past abortion this is the most powerful study I have ever taken. Words cannot express the freedom that comes from this book. |
 | Best study ever done in 32 years Mar 10, 2006 |
Even if the issue of abortion was ommitted, this study is the best I have ever done. Scriptures on anger, forgiveness and depression were compiled in such an order that actual healing took place. Doctrinal truths were revealed in ways that I had never seen before. |
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