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Item Description...
Book Description (Notes and Appendices by E. W. Bullinger) A classic one-volume study Bible in the King James Version. Helps include: 198 appendices including explanations of Hebrew words and their uses, charts, parallel passages, maps, lists of proper names, calendars, and timelines. A popular study Bible now available in this enlarged type edition.
Item Specifications...
Pages 2176
Dimensions: Length: 11" Width: 8.5" Height: 1.9" Weight: 5.05 lbs.
Release Date Apr 1, 2024
ISBN 0825420997 EAN 9780825420993
Bible Binding: Hardcover Color: Burgundy Point/Type Size: 12.00 Version: KJV Giant: Yes - Giant Type Print
Availability 23 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 19, 2023 10:37.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Its scholarly, its goofy, its, its, its two books in one! Feb 10, 2007 |
Really don't know what to say about this one. There are times when Bullinger's insights are absolutely brilliant. But that are also times when he says something so goofy you wonder where he got it. The Book is a valuable resource if you can tell the difference. Bullinger also seems married to the idea that the highest truth in the Bible is some obscure Hebraic poetical symmetry he's discovered - a bit over the top. Yet, there are some things in there you will find nowhere else. Buy it if you can find it cheap, but if you begin to start thinking that 'he's speaking to you', you better put it down and read some Aquinas for penance. | |  | By far the best study bible in print, period!!! Feb 1, 2007 |
I've had several study bibles over the years and I was never really satisfied with any of them. Most study bibles now days are edited and written by theologically liberal would-be, so-called "scholars" (most of whom aren't even christians!), which always turned me off. (Zondervan Publishing is a particularly notorious offender in this regard). I finially had to step back to a study bible written almost 100 years ago from a generation who took their bibles and faith VERY seriously. I have at long last settled on this jewel of a study bible as my number one "go to" study bible. Dr. Bullinger was a fantastic Hebrew and Greek scholar as well as a good conservative Christian with an extremely high view of the scriptures. The Companion bible gets its name from the "companion" column of notes next to the main bible text. Having spent many many years working on this bible, Dr. Bullingers notes usually dwarf the bible text on most (though not all) pages. Dr. Bullinger was an Ultra-dispensationalist. Ultra-dispensationalism is a misnomer by definition. Dispensation is the translation from the Greek word "oikonomia", a conjunction of the word "oiko" which means household and "nomos" which means law. The word is similar to our English word "economy" and is sometimes rendered "administration", which is a close equivalent. Therefore, to be "hyper" or "ultra" may be more of a compliment than an insult, for it would mean a very well run household in translation. This means he reveals the divided structure of the bible into seperate and distinct, extremely well organized sections or "dispensations" of administration according to Gods overall plan on dealing with man. The Bible itself refers to dispensations in Eph. 1:10. "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him." Again, here is the Greek word oikonomia (oy-kon-om-ee'-ah), which Strong's concordance defines as "administration (of a household or estate); specially, a (religious) `economy.''' This Greek word is also translated "stewardship" (Lk. 16:2-4). Thus, it is a period of time during which God is doing some particular work. My only complaint about this study bible is that its age is really starting to show, and Kreger (the publisher) desperatley needs to update its formatting to current, modern-day standards. However the content is timeless (and priceless) and should not be tampered with. It is like having a scholar who spent his entire life studying the bible sitting right there next to you explaining the contexts of the Hebrew and Greek languages as well as outlining the "they's" and "them's" and what is being talked about. This bible also has an exhaustive and very well researched appendix in the back to help in further studies on 198 different topics. This study bible is just amazing in every way and makes every modern day study bible look like the sad jokes they are by comparison. I am so glad it is still availible after almost 100 years! Very highly recommended! | |  | Time in the Word!!! Jan 29, 2007 |
Bullinger spent an amazing amount of time in the Word. This is more apparent to me every time I read his works. If you're just starting in your search, I would recommend doing your own studies with your own bible first before getting a Companion Bible. You want to start off your own relationship with Him rather than copying someone else's relationship/ideas. It might not be easy, but it's definitely worth it. Bullinger is great to read after you've spent some time in the Word. Bullinger's Companion Bible is definitely worth the cost. It might just be one of the best, most worth while purchases of your life. Love in Him! | |  | What an awesome tool. Jan 11, 2007 |
Anyone who is serious about actually reading God's Word and not being spoonfed tradition should own this book. I am talking to you Fishtian. Skip your next Sunday service and spend the day reading Act's through Thessalonians here instead. An awesome reference tool. I do not even carry a standard Bible with me in class, for this simplifies where the others confuse. Having reference to greek texts and terminology enables the reader to clear up man's mistakes in the english translation. | |  | Indispensable Nov 25, 2006 |
Since I have studied the Bible, 1979, I have used Bullinger's "Companion Bible." I have found no other aid to study that was better, I have numerous commentaries on my shelves, none of which I use. I use the large print hard cover at home, which I recommend over the others due to the voluminous notes. I recently bought the indexed leather edition ISBN 082542240X for those occasions I want to take the Companion with me, the large print is just too big. There is not a reading, a day, a question that I have, that I do not reach for it. As far as the quality of the leather bible, its about what you would expect from Kregel, a Cambridge Bible it is not, but after all I bought it for the notes. If you are serious about the Lord and his Word I recommend "The Companion Bible" Don't leave home without it. As with any study tool Acts 17:11 if the Bereans after hearing our beloved Apostle Paul, searched the scriptures daily to see if those things were so, You Do Likewise. Update:
Had a problem with the Bible,apparently defective, cover fell off. Contacted Kregel, they immediately sent another Fedex after submitting proof. Stood by their product, what else can you ask. This second one is superior in leather quality??? I still love it. | | Write your own review about KJV Companion Bible-Large Print-Burgundy Hc