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Item Description... Here are Barclay's offerings on these important New Testament texts. Written by Paul while in prison in Rome, the letter to the Philippians is concerned with the theological identification of Jesus both as God and as human. The Letter to the Colossians combat heretical Gnostic teachings, declaring that God created the world through Jesus Christ, God's own Son. The two letters to the Thessalonians show the apostle dealing with day-to-day problems of a strategic young city church. Though written to the faithful in years gone by, Paul's words come to life for readers today through Barclay's own translation and enlightening commentary.
The New Daily Study Bible allows a new generation to appreciate the wisdom of William Barclay. With clarification of less familiar illustrations and inclusion of more contemporary language, the New Daily Study Bible will continue to help individuals and groups discover what the message of the New Testament really means for their lives.
Item Specifications...
Pages 288
Dimensions: Length: 7.3" Width: 5" Height: 0.8" Weight: 0.7 lbs.
Release Date Nov 1, 2023
ISBN 0664226760 EAN 9780664226763
Availability 10 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 01, 2024 08:47.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Highly recommended Feb 16, 2004 |
Dr. William Barclay (1907-78), an ordained minister in the Church of Scotland and Glasgow University Professor, is largely remembered today for his seventeen-volume Daily Study Bible. This book is part of the revised edition, which came out in 1975, and uses the Revised Standard Edition of the Bible, rather than the Authorized (King James) Version. In this book, each of the three sections begins with a wonderful, in-depth introduction, which gives a wealth of background information on the city and church involved, along with an explanation of the issues involved in the letter. After that, the author launches into a verse-by-verse examination of the letter. This is a great commentary on Philippians, Colossians and the two Thessalonian letters! His analyses are both exhaustive, and yet easily grasped by the lay reader. I bought this book to assist me in a Sunday school class that I was teaching, and it was one of the best purchases that I have ever made. I highly recommend this book. | |  | Good book on the Good Book Mar 10, 1999 |
Barclay's book on The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians is an excellent analysis of these books of the Bible. Barclay provides an introduction to each book before proceeding to a line-by-line, verse-by-verse discussion of the text and its meaning. The author has a very good understanding of the history and backround of these books and shows detailed knowledge of the language used by Paul. His commentary sheds light on the reasons for Paul's letters and clearly explains the specific guidance Paul was offering to these followers. Finally, I liked the quotes and short stories Barclay tossed in with his analysis. It's a good book for Bible study. It's easy to read a little bit each day. It's also easy to spend a great deal of time reflecting on the most meaningful passages. | | Write your own review about Letters To Philippians Colossians And Thessalonian