Spanish- RVR 1960 Super Giant Print Reference Bible/Pu [Hardcover]
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OverviewEl nuevo y elegante diseño tipográfico permite que esta Biblia tenga una letra más clara de leer. También sea mejorado y revisado la síntesis de cada libro de la Biblia y la concordancia.The new and elegant typeset design makes reading clearer and easier. Also, we have improved and revised every book of the Bible's summary and the concordance.
Publishers DescriptionEl nuevo y elegante diseno de tipografia con una fuente creada especialmente para esta Biblia, ofrece un texto con una gran claridad en la letra, que es super gigante.
- Palabras de Cristo en rojo
- El plan de salvacion
- Sintesis de los libros de la Biblia
- Referencias al final del versiculo
- Como leer la Biblia
- Seccion de registro familiar
- Que leer cuando...
- Plan de lectura Biblica de 52 semanas
- "Jesus y los diez mandamientos"
- "Panorama historico de la Biblia"
- Armonia de los Evangelios
- Apariciones luego de la resurreccion
The new and elegant typeset design offers you a high quality, clear text allowing readers a comfortable reading experience for their daily Bible reading or study. We have improved and revised every book of the Bible's summary and the concordance.
- Words of Christ in red
- Plan of Salvation
- Survey of Bible books
- End-of-verse references
- "How to Read the Bible" section
- Family record section
- Bible history overview
- Where to turn when...
- 52-week plan for reading the Bible
- "Jesus and the Ten Commandments"
- Harmony of the Gospels
- Appearances after the resurrection
Pages 1728
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 11.7" Width: 8.2" Height: 2" Weight: 3.9 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Dec 1, 2023
Publisher Broadman And Holman
ISBN 1586408755 EAN 9781586408756
Availability 1 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 09, 2024 02:55.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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