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Overviewselection of prayers and meditations in the Puritan tradition, widely valued since publication in 1975.
Pages 405
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 7.18" Width: 4.77" Height: 0.69" Weight: 0.6 lbs.
Binding Leather
Release Date Nov 1, 2023
Publisher BANNER OF TRUTH #535
ISBN 0851518214 EAN 9780851518213
Point/Type Size: 0.00
Availability 81 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 13, 2024 09:09.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | This will deepen you..... Mar 22, 2007 |
I love this book. It is one of my most favorite books to read again & again. It is rich with heartfelt thoughts from real people that move me. I recommend it to anyone wanting to have a deeper prayer life that says what you feel & what you need to say when praying. | |  | POWERFUL Mar 15, 2007 |
This is an incredible collection of Puritan prayers. Reading these prayers will among other things: 1. Draw one closer to the God of the Bible 2. Illuminate our own need for God and our absolute dependency on Him 3. Humble you before the Throne of All Grace
This book has greatly deepened my prayer life and my understanding and relationship with God. A MUST read for any committited Christian. | |  | They Valley of Vision Mar 14, 2007 |
The only problem I have with the book is that you ought to sell a dictionary along with it. think the working is a bit too much for the average person. | |  | Perfect for daily meditation and prayer Feb 24, 2007 |
This is truly an invaluable collection. With a little less than 200 prayers, I read one almost every morning during the week, and this lasts me roughly the year. Obviously, these prayers fall within the Reformed tradition, which is more than a little important. Other reviewers have covered what remaining points there might be to make about this book, so I'm going to end by including an example to give you a taste of what is within. This is by no means the best of the prayers; it simply fit my fancy at the time I read it:
"The Name of Jesus" (p. 21)
All-Searching God, Thou readest the heart, viewest principles and motives of actions, seest more defilement in my duties than I ever saw in any of my sins. The heavens are not clean in thy sight, and thou chargest the angels with folly; I am ready to flee from myself because of my abominations; Yet thou dost not abhor me but hast devised means for my return to thee, and that, by thy Son who died to give me life.
Thine honour is secured and displayed even in my escape from thy threats, and that, by means of Jesus in whom mercy and truth meet together, and righteousness and peace kiss each other.
In Him the enslaved find redemption, the guilty pardon, the unholy renovation; In Him are everlasting strength for the weak, unsearchable riches for the needy, treasures of wisdom and knowledge for the ignorant, fullness for the empty. At thy gracious call I hear, take, come, apply, receive his grace, not only submit to his mercy but acquiesce in it, not only glory in the cross but in him crucified and slain, not only joy in forgiveness but in the one through whom atonement comes.
Thy blessings are as secure as they are glorious; Thou hast provided for my safety and my prosperity, and hast promised that I shall stand firm and grow stronger. O Lord God, without the pardon of my sin I cannot rest satisfied without the renovation of my nature by grace I can never rest easy, without the hopes of heaven I can never be at peace. All this I have in thy Son Jesus; blessed be his name. | |  | Biblical Prayers Feb 23, 2007 |
This collection of prayers demonstrates the Biblical guidelines for praying. The Puritans knew what the Bible instructs about prayers being acceptable to God. They praise God and humble themselves in these examples. Beautiful and inspiring! | | Write your own review about Valley Of Vision
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