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Item Description...
Book Description Finally, a Bible that every ordinary guy--from truck drivers to lawyers--can call his own. This is a guy's type of Bible--straight talk about the challenges of life. Notes cover everything from work issues to relationships with women to common temptations guys face. Every Man's Bible is written by the best-selling author of the Every Man's series, Steve Arterburn.
Additional Information
Every Man's Bible
Stephen Arterburn and Dean Merrill
Binding: Hardcover
Page Count: 1632
Trim Size: 5 1/4 x 7 7/8
2005 Gold Medallion Award finalist!
Item Specifications...
Pages 1616
Dimensions: Length: 8.1" Width: 5.6" Height: 1.6" Weight: 2.15 lbs.
Release Date Jun 1, 2024
Publisher TYNDALE BIBLE #76
ISBN 0842374825 EAN 9780842374828
Bible Binding: Hardcover Color: Multi-Colored Point/Type Size: 11.00 Version: NLT
Availability 19 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 02, 2024 09:50.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A Bible all Men Need Jul 25, 2006 |
The NLT makes this Bible the most readable you have ever imagined; but, in addition the added explanations and stories make it a real winner! | |  | Great study Bible Mar 23, 2006 |
I used this Bible in our Christian book club, and people were asking about it during the second week, because of the footnotes that relate Biblical truths to modern lives. Now, I am using it for our new men's Bible study (I chose the every man's Bible study), and this is a great resource for that.
As for this being a poor translation, our pastor reads from the NIV during his sermons, and I follow along in my NLT. The meanings are the same, the phrasing is just different.
Every new Christian man who wants an extremely readable and relevant ranslation would do good buying this version. I am recommending this to my men's group. | |  | Great information and explanations, NLT is poor translation Mar 19, 2006 |
The information provided to apply the bible to your life and to help men with problems they face daily is second to none. They cover family, work, marriage, sexual temptation and more. My only complaint is the NLT is a very poor translation that will change the bible passages meaning from its original text. This would be a tremendous resource if used with another translation such as the ESV or NIV. | |  | Sheena Oct 17, 2005 |
I bought this for my husband as a gift and he really loves is. Whats surprising is that I have been reading it just as much. There are different topics also discussed throughout the bible, like drinking, homosexuality, marriage, women, etc. There are key verses written to go with this subject right there, so you don't have to go seaching yourself, they did it for you.
I also really like the flow of the NLT, its easy to read but I feel a very credible translation. In the beginning it is eplained how this translation was done.
This bible also has excerpts throughout from some great Christian leaders, including Chuck Swindoll. I've never enjoyed reading the Bible more until this one came along.
| |  | For Everyone Jul 20, 2005 |
I bought this for my husband and have never seen him enjoy reading the Bible as he does now. The information at the beginning of each book is great: about how long it will take to read the book, summary of the chapters, key verses for memorizing, who it was written by (if known) and it places the events in a timeline. It's wonderful! I have even started reading out if it myself! It's a great Bible, I highly recommend it. | | Write your own review about NLT Every Mans Bible-HC