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Africa Bible Commentary
Our Price |
$ 31.19
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$ 39.99 |
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$ 8.80 (22%) |
Item Number |
27729 |
Item Description... The Africa Bible Commentary is a unique publishing event-the first one-volume Bible commentary produced in Africa by African theologians to meet the needs of African pastors, students, and lay leaders. Interpreting and applying the Bible in the light of African culture and realities, it furnishes powerful and relevant insights into the biblical text that transcend Africa in their significance.
The Africa Bible Commentary gives a section-by-section interpretation that provides a contextual, readable, affordable, and immensely useful guide to the entire Bible. Readers around the world will benefit from and appreciate the commentary's fresh insights and direct style that engage both heart and mind.
Key features:
A* Produced by African biblical scholars, in Africa, for Africa-and for the world
A* Section-by-section interpretive commentary and application
A* More than 70 special articles dealing with topics of key importance in to ministry in Africa today, but that have global implications
A* 70 African contributors from both English- and French-speaking countries
A* Transcends the African context with insights into the biblical text and the Christian faith for readers worldwide
Item Specifications...
Pages 1616
Dimensions: Length: 9.2" Width: 7.6" Height: 2" Weight: 3.65 lbs.
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Publisher Zondervan
ISBN 0310264731 EAN 9780310264736 UPC 025986264734
Availability 0 units.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | I love this thing! Feb 22, 2007 |
After serving in West Africa on the mission field for a short time, I can instantly see the value of this book both for African scholars, those who teach and work with them, as well as a multi-cultural introduction to the Bible. Excellent insights, some of them seem to recycled Western ideas, but also shows the universality of the teaching of Scripture. Evangelical, Bible-believing, solid, well-thought. A good one volume to add to your library. | |  | One of a kind commentary on the Bible Jan 15, 2007 |
It is most amazing that in an Africa beset by tribal conflicts there could be such unity among those who call themselves Christian leaders to put together a book like this. It is a testimony of what God's love in people can do to make life different for them as they strive to teach others the Way. The book is well done and uses much from African culture to help us understand the Bible better. I love the use of African proverbs in explaining the Bible. I use it every day in my personal Bible study. | |  | Perfect Gift Jan 12, 2007 |
Our pastor has been preparing for a trip to Cameroon. When I gave him this book, he was very impressed with the content--so impressed we decided it was the perfect gift to take to the head of the missions board in Africa. | |  | Excellent blend of African culture and scripture Jan 11, 2007 |
This is a great effort by African scholors from all over Africa to educate African people about Christianity. "In Africa, Christianity is a mile wide and 1" deep." (Quoted from the ABC.) For me, as a non-African interested in supporting ministry for the Maasai in Kenya, it is a way to understand the Bible from a new point of view. Excellent, incredible work. | |  | The best Bible Commentary ever Jan 4, 2007 |
I purchased this product as a gift for my Husband. He has been so inspired and blessed with this guide. In fact, we never new anything like this existed. We have several Afro-American bibles, song books, cook books and other inspiring reading material. I am so grateful for finding this. It has been truly enlighting. | | Write your own review about Africa Bible Commentary