Bible Map Guide
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4176736 |
OverviewBeautiful, full-color oversize maps showing where significant Bible events happened The Common English Bible Map Guide helps bring Scripture alive, showing where the events of the Bible took place Includes 21 maps produced by National Geographic A brief narrative describes each map and references what specific chapters and verses of the Bible are being illustrated Sidebars, photographs, and timelines highlight interesting facts about the lands of the Bible and some of the most religious places in the world An exhaustive index makes it easy to locate places mentioned in the Bible
Publishers DescriptionThe CEB Bible Map Guide shows where the events of the Bible happened. It includes the 21 CEB maps (produced by National Geographic) in a beautiful full-color oversize format. A brief narrative that describes what is being shown and what chapters and verses of the Bible are being illustrated accompanies each map. Sidebars, photographs, and timelines bring out interesting facts about the lands of the Bible, featured in maps of Palestine, Egypt, Canaan, Babylonia, the Persian empire, the Hellenistic kingdoms in Daniel, the Roman Empire, Jerusalem, and Paul's journeys. An exhaustive index makes it easy to locate the places mentioned in the Bible.
Pages 48
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 0.25" Width: 9.75" Height: 14.5" Weight: 0.85 lbs.
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Publisher Abingdon Church Supplies
ISBN 1609260740 EAN 9781609260743
Availability 6 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 10, 2024 03:03.
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