A W Tozer Electronic Electronic Library
Our Price |
$ 46.79
Retail Value |
$ 59.99 |
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$ 13.20 (22%) |
Item Number |
68384 |
OverviewThis unique library on CD-ROM gives you fast, easy access to the many works of A.W. Tozer. You can search and explore each unique work. Want to know what Tozer says on a specific topic? Just type in a subject of interest and the software will list all the books in which Tozer discusses that topic. Also included are 7 books by A.B. Simpson, Bibles, Bible Dictionaries and Commentaries, Bible maps, photos and more!
Publishers Description"The A.W. Tozer Electronic Library" CD-ROM-This unique library gives you fast, easy access to the many works of A.W. Tozer (including his masterpiece "The Pursuit of God") and makes it remarkably easy to search and explore each unique work. Simply type in a subject or key word and you'll get a list of every place it appears in your library, including Scripture
Fueled by the award-winning WORD search 9 software, this valuable package also gives you instant access to several Bibles and reference works. As a bonus, we've included seven best-selling books by A.B. Simpson, founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.
A few of the treasures you'll find inside:
"The Pursuit of God "
"God's Pursuit of Man "
"The Root of the Righteous "
"How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit "
"Tozer on Worship and Entertainment "
"The Radical Cross "
"The Fourfold Gospel "
"The Gospel of Healing "
"King James Bible "
"American Standard Bible "
"Talking Strong's Greek/Hebrew Dictionary "
"Matthew Henry Commentary "
"Nave's Topical Bible "
Bible maps and photos
System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
CD-Rom Drive
500 MB RAM
40 MB Hard Drive Space
Internet Connection
Record Label WingSpread Publishers
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 0.5" Width: 5.5" Height: 7.5" Weight: 0.2 lbs.
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
ISBN 1600661858 EAN 9781600661853
Availability 1 units. Availability accurate as of Jun 13, 2024 12:28.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Momence, IL.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. This item is restricted to one per order.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Electronic A W Tozer Feb 17, 2008 |
Since I am a great fan of A W Tozer, this is an invaluable resource to research Tozer's work. This man spoke until his death in 1963 and his analysis of the waning Christian experience is very relevant for today's Christians and their churches. He goes right to the heart of the matter of the failure of today's Christian churches to develop and train contemporary disciples of Christ. The software works well and is expandable to include other Christian authors and biblical resources. It comes with several other resources and is well worth the cost. |
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