Fire up children's imaginations and you'll stoke their spirits as well. That's the idea behind the NIrV Kids' Devotional Bible---created especially for young readers. The short sentences and easy words of the complete NIrV text make it a Bible kids can read themselves. Engaging questions, eyecatching illustrations, a year's worth of devotions, a new feature designed to get kids deeper into the Word, and a dictionary make this a Bible they'll want to read and apply to their lives. Will God ever stop loving you? How do you show respect to older people? Are animals and plants special? The NIrV Kids' Devotional Biblehelps kids learn simple, important lessons about their world---and gives them a stepping-stone to today's most widely read translation, the NIV. Recommended for ages 6 to 9.
- New feature "Theme Summary" is in 40 books of the Bible, and will help children apply the theme to their own lives
- Updated artwork
- Updated daily and weekend devotions
- Presentation page
- 9 Point text in dark blue
- Two-column format
- Dictionary
- Subject Guide
- Hardcover
Publishers DescriptionGet into God s Word every day A year s worth of devotions written for kids ages 6-10 Completely updated with a new fun design New features that encourages Bible study A Bible kids can read themselves New International Reader s Version, The NIV for kids Help your children develop a good habit they ll want to keep. With all new eye-catching illustrations and design, The Kids Devotional Bible makes Bible reading fun Updated and expanded features include: Short weekday devotions that help young readers apply Bible lessons for a full year 52 weekend devotions that teach kids about God s creation through fun activities like visiting the zoo and gazing at the stars New Got It feature that encourages kids to find answers to Bible trivia themselves Book introductions that give helpful information about each book of the Bible A dictionary to look up words they want to know more about The complete NIrV text, which uses shorter sentences and easier words. Kids can read this Bible on their own Through imaginative and innovative products, Zonderkidz is feeding your souls."
Pages 1664
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 1.75" Width: 5.75" Height: 8.75" Weight: 2.3 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
Publisher Zondervan Publishing
Age 6-9
ISBN 0310712432 EAN 9780310712435 UPC 025986712433
Bible Binding: Hardcover Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 9.00 Version: NIRV
Availability 2 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 05:38.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Momence, IL.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | kid bible Feb 17, 2009 |
We use this Bible constantly with our children. It is easy to read, has good faith comments, and enlightening scripture background. |
 | great bible Dec 8, 2008 |
For younger kids (say 12 and under) the NIrV is a good choice. I'm not crazy about the devotions in ehre; they're OK but nothing special and the graphics are bland. It has held up to an 8 year old boy for two years, however, so that rates 4 stars on its own! I prefer the superhero bibles extras to this one, the devotions and explanations ar emore engaging for a young boy. |
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