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Catholic children aged 5 to 10 will delight in this Bible written just for them, in language that's easy to comprehend. Edited by Sister Mary Theola Zimmerman, this orderly retelling of the Bible brings children through the Bible, starting with the Creation of the world and finishing with the descent of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the Catholic Church. A full page illustration accompanies each story. Readers can read alone at their own pace and younger children can be read to by parents or older siblings. It also makes a great classroom tool for teaching the Bible in an orderly manner. Hardcover. Size: 6in x 9in. Publishers DescriptionThis best selling and very complete bible will be treasured by Catholic children of all ages.
Pages 318
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.1" Width: 6.04" Height: 0.92" Weight: 1.23 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Publisher REGINA PRESS #504
Age 5-10
ISBN 0882710583 EAN 9780882710587
Point/Type Size: 0.00
Availability 38 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 04:52.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A Serviceable Children's Bible Mar 17, 2007 |
We bought THE CATHOLIC CHILDREN'S BIBLE to help our daughter with her Catholic religious education and in particular, to assist in preparing for her First Communion. Together with our daughter we examined several children's versions of the Bible, some ecumenical and a few, like this one, specifically Roman Catholic. My daughter was drawn to this version in part because of the quality of the illustrations, and in part because her religion teacher also had this version.
The pictures are of excellent quality, with good color and high definition. They are very well drawn with solid borders, almost like stained glass. They tend to be almost pietistical, however, and in this respect they mirror the text. The stories are written in a sometimes stilted and old-school manner. There is no attempt here to be "relevant," which some may find refreshing, but it also means that the language is not inclusive and sounds dated. The narrative does not appear to be aimed at very young children, but my eight-year old was able to follow the stories fairly well. Uncommon forms of religious words, like "Messias" for Messiah and "Pasch" for Passover, abound. One should also be aware that this Bible version is unapologetically written for Catholic--Catholic with a capital "C" --children; the final story in this children's Bible, "The Catholic Church," might not be welcomed by non-Catholic Christians.
My daughter, after reading THE CATHOLIC CHILDREN'S BIBLE together with us for a while, still seems to like it. I think, though, that a more contemporary approach, with the same quality of illustrations--why do so many children's Bibles take the cartoon or naïve art approach?--but with better storytelling would make a deeper impression on her religious formation than this otherwise serviceable version.
| |  | Be Extremely Cautious about this Author Oct 7, 2006 |
I don't know whether this is the same book as the older "Catholic Bible Stories" by the same author, Sr. Mary Theola, but I would be very cautious about giving children anything to read by this author. My copy of her "Catholic Bible Stories" is wrought with modernist theological commentary.
She doesn't just tell the Bible stories, she tells children what to think about the stories (such as they are just stories and didn't literally happen that way). Here is an example of her writing regarding the creation of Adam and Eve:
"Here again we have the inspired writer telling us an interesting story about our first parents. We must keep in mind that the story is being told for a religious purpose and that it is most important that we understand correctly the truths this Biblical writer wants to teach us. In saying that God formed man from the dust of the earth, he does not mean that God actually molded a man's body out of clay. We can be fairly sure that the writer did not actually believe this. Neither did he believe that woman was really made from man's ribs..."
This commentary is the personal opinion of the auther and is pure conjecture. It is not the official teaching of the Catholic Church. Yet how is a child to know that this is just a theologian's personal opinion vs. the official teaching of the Church? After all, it says "Catholic" on it...
Please, if you pick up anything by this author, be sure to read it before giving it your children. Don't just trust it because it says "Catholic." | |  | A Catholic Children's Bible that Catches Children's Interest Jun 8, 2006 |
I first purchased this Catholic Children's Bible for one of my daughters when she was about 9 years old. I encouraged her to read a story from it each night before she went to sleep. She told me that the pictures were so interesting that she would find that she just had to read the story to see what was happening. The stories are true to the scriptures and reflect traditional Catholic Doctrine. The pictures are colorful, dramatic and painted in a realistic manner.I believe that the pictures help the child to develop a reverent attitude toward the scripture stories. Each story has a picture that accompanies it and the stories are not long. I personally believe that Bible story books that are illustrated with cartoonlike characters tend to promote an irreverent attitude toward the stories.If you are looking for a Bible story book that a child can read by him or her self, then I would think that this would best fit the 7-12 year old reader, depending on reading ability. It is a Bible story book that is traditionally Catholic and I have given many as First Communion gifts. | |  | Wonderful Way to Teach Children the Faith Jul 28, 2005 |
I read this book to my kids (ages 7 & 9) every night. It is nicely organized, and I just pick a story out, most are about a 5-10 minute read.
This book is very orthodox, for example the author does an excellent job of explaining the Eucharist, and emphasizing that it is the true body and blood of Christ. | |  | If you love truth, don't buy this book for your children. May 13, 2005 |
This book runs contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Not a good book for impressionable young minds. Unless of course you want them to lose their faith?
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