New Ungers Bible Dictionary (Revised) [Hardcover]
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20202 |
OverviewBased on the New American Standard Bible, a revised edition of one of the best-selling Bible dictionaries helps believers understand key words, concepts, names, and places in the Bible, providing the tools necessary for a deeper understanding of the Word of God. 15,000 first printing.
Publishers Description"Unger's Bible Dictionary" has been one of the bestselling Bible dictionaries on the market since its introduction in 1957. Now, this time-honored classic is more valuable than ever. Updated and expanded by respected Bible authorities including R.K. Harrison, Howard F. Vos, and Cyril J. Barber, The "New Unger's Bible Dictionary" is packed with the most current scholarship. More than 67,000 entries are supplemented with detailed essays, colorful photography and maps, and dozens of charts and illustrations to enhance your understanding of God's Word. Although this volume is based on the "New American Standard," extensive cross-referencing makes it useful with all major Bible translations, including the New International, King James, and New King James versions.
Pages 1408
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.27" Width: 6.47" Height: 1.97" Weight: 4.15 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date May 1, 2024
ISBN 0802490662 EAN 9780802490667
Availability 68 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 10:47.
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MERRILL F. UNGER (A.B., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) was a pastor and a professor of Old Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He was the author of many books as well as several invaluable reference works including Unger’s Bible Handbook.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Best Bible Aid Resource Feb 21, 2007 |
I could never overrate this work and I recommend it to every Christian. My Unger's gets handled most every day for academic reference. At Christmas it was my gift to ladies whom I disciple; it is a present that never stops giving.
This comprehensive work covers most every topic in defining detail. It is a concise Bible college education in itself.
Within the binding you will access assisting photos of Holy Land locations. Illustrated art work and detailed maps provide desired visual aids. As a chronicled antiquity guide, it doesn't lack in providing current facts.
Not long ago, I was teaching the neighborhood children John chapter 4 and opened my Unger's to a photo of Jacob's Well that is referred to in this chapter. Exhibiting images of study verses imparts a lesson memory card not easily discarded.
 | Great! Jan 9, 2007 |
I found it to be filled with useful information...I'm glad to have purchased it. |
 | Ungers Bible Dictionary Nov 4, 2006 |
I've been doing some biblical studies, and I've found this book to be what every Christian brother and sister needs. |
 | One of the best... May 25, 2003 |
I frequently find myself returning to this dictionary time and again, because it has so much valuable information in it and because it is very extensive in its wide range of topics (for example, ever wondered what 'Selah' means in the Psalms? - it's in here). I would highly recomend this to anyone who is seeking to better understand terms, ideas, names, places, etc... in the Bible. |
 | Unger One of the Great Bible Scholars of the 20th Century May 4, 2003 |
Unger's greatness is in his humility. His writings seek to glorify The Lord, not himself. I also recommend his Commentary on the Old Testament, by far the best-ever written. Unger is a christian to be honored and his writings should be treasured. This book is a must-have for the grace-oriented believer. |
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