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Over 80 Bible stories for children, richly illustrated in full color. From the story of creation to the travels of St. Paul, this volume will educate and delight children.
Pages 140
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 11.3" Width: 8.63" Height: 0.93" Weight: 2.15 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Age 4-8
ISBN 0899429971 EAN 9780899429977
Point/Type Size: 0.00
Availability 30 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 04:05.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Superb Bible for Catholic Kids Mar 22, 2009 |
I recently purchased this Bible for my six-year-old daughter. She has outgrown her much shorter and simpler "Bible story books" and my wife and I have been delighted with the detail found in the Catholic Bible for Children. As a previous poster mentioned, there is a level of detail in the stories that is not appropriate for very young children, but in no way should this diminish one's judgement of this excellent product. After all, it is a Bible for *children*, not *toddlers*. The artwork is beautiful; accurately reflecting Middle Eastern cultural and ethnic detail but in style parallel to a comic book or graphic novel. In addition, there are stories from Judith and Tobit, books ignored by Protestant Bibles.
I have one minor quibble: there are some curious ommissions in this Bible. The story of Jonah, such an iconic Bible story, is nowhere to be found. Of greater concern is that the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is not mentioned, even though this astonishing event is recognized as the beginning of the Catholic Church! However, the Bible does give excellent detail about the life of Saint Paul, whereas most children's Bibles usually give only the life of Christ in the New Testament section.
Overall, an outstanding product for children (but not toddlers) who are ready for a Bible that actually reads like a Bible rather than a storybook. I only wish that Jonah and Pentecost had been included.
| |  | Great Bible for children Jan 11, 2009 |
We got this order timely. It is a great children's bible. We have had others that are a little too graffic. This one is more kid friendly while still telling the stories factually. | |  | Very nice Bible for children Nov 8, 2008 |
I try to read to my kids from this Bible every night. The translation is good, but it's the pictures that really resonate. They're very well done, and my kids get excited when I pull this off the shelf. Also, the stories aren't dumbed down too much, which is a problem with other kids' Bibles I've seen. | |  | Not for little children Jul 19, 2007 |
I just purchased this book for my 3-year old son after looking through it rather quickly. I was horrified to discover later that it includes an account of the slaughter of the innocents by Herod's soldiers. We see the soldiers taking babies from their mothers, a dead baby lying on the ground, and blood on the sword of a soldier as he lunges toward another victim. And then, several pages later, we see the head of John the Baptist on a platter.
The Bible is not a children's book. One depends upon the judgment of an editor in deciding which stories are appropriate for small children. This Bible might be appropriate for older children, but it is certainly not for "little" ones. | | Write your own review about Catholic Bible for Children
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