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New Linguistic And Exegetical Key To The Greek New [Hardcover]
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OverviewThis verse by verse analysis of unusual forms and grammatical and exegetical difficulties in the Greek New Testament is expanded and revised, improving on the acclaimed original version. Publishers Description The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament is ideal for students and for busy pastors whose knowledge of Greek grammar is limited or rusty but who want to read the Greek New Testament. It not only simplifies reading the text of the Greek New Testament but also gives the reader a wealth of tools that a lexicon and grammar alone cannot provide. For those with a basic knowledge of first-year Greek grammar and vocabulary, this completely revised and greatly expanded edition of the highly successful Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament (1982) makes reading the Greek New Testament faster, easier, and more effective. Going through the New Testament verse by verse, The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament provides help in three areas: Lexical - It identifies unusual and uncommon word forms that in the past had to be looked up in a lexicon, as well as their meaning, based on BAGD and other standard lexicons. Grammatical - It provides grammatical insights from the leading Greek grammars, including Wallace's Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics. Exegetical - As the title of this revised and expanded edition indicates, The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament also provides the reader with a wealth of exegetical insights and nuances, as well as references to a wide range of commentaries, monographs, journal articles, historical works, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and so forth.
Pages 652
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.55" Width: 7.47" Height: 1.45" Weight: 2.7 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Oct 14, 2023
Publisher Zondervan Publishing
ISBN 0310201756 EAN 9780310201755 UPC 025986201753
Availability 3 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 09:53.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Roseburg, OR.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Helpful, but not "big Zerwick" as I've heard some people call it Oct 3, 2006 |
I have found this volume to be extremely useful in two areas: 1)When I am still having difficulty parsing a difficult verb form; and 2)For directing me to a plethora of additional articles and resources from which I can glean exegetical information. The book itself, as the title indicates, provides some exegetical insight, but it is at its best when it combines Rogers' own comments with a list of articles to consult for further research.
One or two other reviewers have mentioned using this book in conjunction with Max Zerwick's "A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament," and I do the same. I have heard some people call Rogers' work "big Zerwick," but that is not an accurate comparison of the two works. Rogers' book, while certainly providing some grammatical/linguistic information, emphasizes the exegetical aspect of words and passages far more, while Zerwick's volume is far more useful for learning the grammatical minutae and quirks of Koine Greek (though, at times, he also provides some exegetical comments).
The bottom line: don't substitute Rogers for Zerwick, or vice versa. Make use of both volumes and your studies of the GNT will be greatly enriched. | |  | A unique tool Sep 4, 2003 |
If, like me, you are not an expert in Koine Greek, then this is an excellent tool. I have found that having this work has served a twofold purpose: 1) it has revealed a great deal regarding the background of several words and phrases of which I was unaware, 2) it has served as a very effective reference to other more in depth articles and background material on the topics I am researching. I have found this work remarkably free of traditional bias. An example would be the handling of "the Word was God" phrase of John 1:1, with some reference material not often found in other Greek reference works. I would highly recommend this to anyone who loves the Scriptures but has not yet mastered their original languages. | |  | Illuminating! Jan 30, 2003 |
This work is a great help to those wanting to study the grammar and syntax of the Greek New Testament, relying on a variety of scholarship condensed into one volume. An extensive bibliography, attractive format, and durable binding augment the wealth of information this volume offers. In order to use this volume, one must be able to read Greek in Greek characters. The only apparent drawback to this volume is that it does not draw attention to variant readings and their impact on the meaning and translation of the text as a whole. All in all, you get a comprehensive walk-through of the Greek New Testament, according to the text of UBS. | |  | Studying Greek for 8 years Mar 25, 2002 |
The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament is a great tool for anyone wanting to cut translation time in half! This book gathers all knowledge from previous and current research and commentary on the Greek New Testament. On average, each verse has at least half of the most difficult words with verb analysis, meaning, and any other pertinent information. The best thing about this book is its' ease of use. My personal favorites are the tidbits of information that the authors offer on most words. Great book! Great buy! | |  | If possible, get the original "Linguistic Key to the Gk. NT" Dec 1, 2001 |
I have both editions of Linguisitc Key. The "New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek NT" (NLEKGNT) is not necessarily a better tool for Bible exposition. The older edition "Linguistic Key to the Greek NT" (LKGNT) has been more effective tool for me. (a). I found LKGNT more accurate and to the point. You will note that other reviewers echo the same. (b). The size of the older edition is more desirable (it is truly handy and portable), I like to take my LKGNT to the library and its small and handy size matters when you travel. The newer edition is unnecessarily big and heavy. (c). Also Zondervan tries to market NLEKGNT for NIV readers as well, NLEKGNT includes annoying GK number (Goodrick-Kohlenberger) based on NIV Exhaustive Concordance (likened to Strong's number) after each Greek word. In sum, I still use the older edition regularly but the new edition has been a disppointment. But if you cannot obtain the older edition, the new edition is still useful, if you don't mind its size, format and some inaccuracy. | | Write your own review about New Linguistic And Exegetical Key To The Greek New
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