Audiobook-Audio CD-Old Testament Hebrew Vocabulary
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$ 19.08
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Item Number |
55293 |
OverviewIn this set of two audio CDs, Jonathan T. Pennington reads all the Hebrew words that occur twenty times or more in the Old Testament in descending order of frequency, followed by an English definition.
Publishers Description These two CDs with a booklet enable a person who is taking biblical Hebrew to work on, by ear as well as through the eyes, all vocabulary words that occur in the Old Testament 20 times or more and all the names of people in the Old Testament that occur 100 times or more. A 40 page booklet containing the entire word list and glosses accompanies the CDs. Read by Jonathan T. Pennington.
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 5.24" Width: 6.2" Height: 0.85" Weight: 0.35 lbs.
Binding CD
Release Date Dec 1, 2023
Publisher Zondervan Publishing
ISBN 0310254922 EAN 9780310254928 UPC 025986254926
Availability 5 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 11:30.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Well Done Sep 1, 2005 |
Pennington performs a valuable service to anyone who seeks to learn Hebrew on their own. The vocabulary includes the most common Hebrew words so that the learner will have the maximum benefit of memorization. Each is clearly pronounced enabling the student to recognize similar sounding words, which is important since much Hebrew Scripture relies on word plays and punning. It is a great resource. |
 | Hebrew for the Ears Apr 10, 2004 |
These two CD's serve as another helpful addition to Zondervan's ever growing original languages library. Pennington again is the "author" who lends his voice to the reading of the Hebrew words and their definitions. It basically follows the same format as his New Testament Greek Vocabulary. All Hebrews words occurring 20 times and more are given in their descending order of frequency. Pennington also says the alphabet in the beginning and like the NT counterpart there is a 40 page booklet to accompany the CDs. The glosses (definitions) follow Zondervan's Vocabulary Guide for Biblical Hebrew by Van Pelt and Pratico. The only disappointment which I have so far is that I learned Hebrew using the modern pronunciation whereas Pennington uses the Classical pronunciation. (...) |
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