Atlas de La Biblia (the One-Stop Bible Atlas) [Paperback]
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OverviewEste atlas es muy creativo y facil de usar. Contiene comentarios entretenidos y que estan acompaados de datos poco conocidos. El autor ha sabido combinar el estilo moderno de la cartografia con viajes y lugares. Por ejemplo: indica los viajes de Pablo segun el camino romano, incluyendo las distancias recorridas; indica los lugares biblicos con un mapa panoramico en relieve de la actual Jerusalen; ubica los mas recientes hallazgos arqueologicos al estilo de Google Earth. Este atlas realmente innovador servira de ayuda para que los lectores puedan visualizar los viajes, los eventos y lugares y de esta forma hacer que la Biblia se pueda ver desde una nueva perspectiva. A highly inventive, user-friendly Atlas, with lively and entertaining commentary, and peppered with little-known facts. Nick Page applies the features of contemporary mapping styles to journeys and locations: following Paul's journeys on a Roman Road map complete with distance chart; linking Biblical sites to the panorama of Jerusalem today with 3D relief mapping; and locating the latest archaeological and historical research findings, Google-earth style. This truly innovative Bible Atlas will help readers visualise the journeys, events and locations and will bring the Bible to life in an entirely new way.
Publishers DescriptionA highly inventive, user-friendly Atlas, with lively and entertaining commentary, and peppered with little-known facts. Nick Page applies the features of contemporary mapping styles to journeys and locations: following Paul's journeys on a Roman Road map complete with distance chart; linking Biblical sites to the panorama of Jerusalem today with 3D relief mapping; and locating the latest archaeological and historical research findings, Google-earth style. This truly innovative Bible Atlas will help readers visualize the journeys, events and locations and will bring the Bible to life in an entirely new way.
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.48" Width: 7.74" Height: 0.38" Weight: 0.93 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Feb 13, 2024
ISBN 155883141X EAN 9781558831414
Availability 2 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 02:21.
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