OverviewIt?s the greatest story ever told?now illustrated with Manga art.
Pick up this Bible with all-new art by some of the best Manga artists in Japan and see the Bible in a new way. Includes the full Bible text interspersed with 96 pages of Manga that bring out the intense drama of great Bible stories. Features the entire text of the New Living Translation Bible, words of Christ in red, and special Manga presentation pages.
Back Cover Copy:
Manga (that?s mahn-guh, not mayn-ga). In Japanese it means comics. To the rest of the world, Manga refers to an art style specific to Japanese comics. Manga is more than a passing fad or craze, and it?s more than just an art style: it?s a way to tell stories. All kinds of stories. And it?s everywhere. Manga is a worldwide youth culture phenomenon.
The Manga Bible is something unique. Some of the best Manga artists in Japan have traced major events in the Bible?s story. Experience Creation, the plagues in Egypt, David and Goliath, and the life of Christ--plus a whole lot more--in a whole new way.
Not only does the Manga Bible include Manga versions of great Bible stories, it also includes the entire Bible text, which means you can experience the story behind the story.
You?ve never seen the Bible like this before.
Publishers DescriptionIt's the greatest story ever told . . . now illustrated with Manga art. Pick up this Bible with all-new art by some of the best Manga artists in Japan and see the Bible in a new way. Includes the full Bible text interspersed with 96 pages of Manga that bring out the intense drama of great Bible stories. Features the entire text of the New Living Translation Bible and special Manga presentation pages.
Community Description NLT2 Slimline Reference Manga Bible
By New Living Trans 2
Binding: Softcover
Back Cover Copy
Manga (that's mahn-guh, not mayn-ga). In Japanese it means comics. To the rest of the world, Manga refers to an art style specific to Japanese comics. Manga is more than a passing fad or craze, and it's more than just an art style: it's a way to tell stories. All kinds of stories. And it's everywhere. Manga is a worldwide youth culture phenomenon.
The Manga Bible is something unique. Some of the best Manga artists in Japan have traced major events in the Bible's story. Experience Creation, the plagues in Egypt, David and Goliath, and the life of Christ--plus a whole lot more--in a whole new way.
Not only does the Manga Bible include Manga versions of great Bible stories, it also includes the entire Bible text, which means you can experience the story behind the story.
You've never seen the Bible like this before.
Please Note, Community Descriptions and notes are submitted by our shoppers, and are not guaranteed for accuracy.
Pages 1084
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 7.62" Width: 5.36" Height: 0.98" Weight: 1.15 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Nov 1, 2023
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
Age 15-18
ISBN 1414316798 EAN 9781414316796 UPC 9781414316796
Bible Binding: Paper, Flush Cut Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 8.00 Version: NLT2 Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 15 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 25, 2024 09:44.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | All cool people should have one of these Jan 24, 2008 |
I love this, it has both comic areas with great art, and the Bible as we know it. Teens would like it, but all cool Christians and Jews would like it.
 | Jesus 'Manga' style! Dec 29, 2007 |
Tremendously interesting! Jesus the story of stories in manga style. Buy it you won't regret it! |
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