This classic King James Version Reference Bible has a wealth of study helps. Over 60,000 center-column references guide you to related verses for further study and understanding of the Bible, and a concordance enables you to locate key verses and concepts. Book introductions, explanatory notes, and full-color maps furnish background information to enhance understanding of the Scriptures. Attractive bonded and genuine leather covers, gilded page edges, and a presentation page make it wonderful for gift giving. This Bible is a beautifully packaged resource for comfort, wisdom, and inspiration.
Product Description:
* Over 60,000 center-column references
* Words of Christ in red
* Full-color maps
* Concordance
* Translation and explanatory notes
* Bible book introductions
* Presentation page
* Gilded page edges
* Ribbon marker
* Gift box
* How to Use This Reference Bible Notes
* In-text subject headings
* Burgundy Bonded leather binding
Publishers DescriptionEnhance your time reading and exploring God's Word. Experience a whole new level of biblical study with Thomas Nelson's" KJV Center-Column Reference Bible." This Bible is filled with references and study aids to strengthen your Bible reading. Ideal for individual study, teaching, and ministry work, this trusted edition of the Holy Bible will enhance your time exploring the beauty and meaning of God's Word.
Features include:
- Center-column references and notes
- Presentation page
- Bible book introductions
- In-text subject headings
- Self-pronouncing text
- Words of Jesus in red
- Concordance
- Full-color maps
- Type size: 8
Part of the CLASSIC SERIES line of Thomas Nelson Bibles
"Center-column Reference Bibles" sold to date: More than 2.7 million
The King James Version--The most successful Bible translation in history with billions of copies published
Thomas Nelson Bibles is giving back through the God's Word in Action program. Donating a portion of profits to World Vision, we are helping to eradicate poverty and preventable deaths among children. Learn more and discover what you can do at
Pages 1120
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.89" Width: 6.06" Height: 1.61" Weight: 1.65 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Publisher Thomas Nelson
ISBN 0840726775 EAN 9780840726773
Bible Binding: Bonded Leather Color: Burgundy Point/Type Size: 8.00 Version: KJV Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 23 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 04:20.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Atlanta, GA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great reference bible. My NEW keeper for daily bible study. Jan 11, 2006 |
This bible is perfect for those who actually utilize center-column references. It comes with over 60,000 center column references. I'm sure the 60,000 includes the scripture references, translation and explanatory notes. I appreciate the translation and explanatory notes since it's only 1 to 5 word explanation/translation. It just helps add clarity to the passage.
The book introductions are brief and basic. It gives you just enough background information without a lot opinion or commentary...this is great.
It has a How to Use this Reference Bible section in the front. This is helpful for those who may be a beginner or someone who has never used a center-column reference system before. Also, it only has 1 page presentation page which is very basic.
One feature that is really nice (for me at least) is the Capital and Small Capital Letter text. For example, in the New Testament, if an author quotes scripture from the Old Testament, the quoted scripture/text stands out with Capital and Small capital letters.
I almost forgot one of the main reasons I bought this bible was the In Text/Subject Headings. Most bibles have the top page headings which help but typical there are other stories/subjects on the same page. These In Text/Subject Headings are very helpful for beginners such as my 11 yr old son. We both have this bible. He is pretty familiar with stories but not quite sure where to find a story in a specific book. At least with the In Text/Subject Headings, he can flip thru the book and see the title/heading for a specific group of scriptures. Also, the In Text/Subject Headings will list the parallel/associated scripture in another book. The parallel scriptures are throughout the Bible but are very common in the Gospels. For example, Matthew 22:15 has a heading "Conflict with Pharisees and Herodians". The parallel scriptures listed below this heading are Mark 12:13-17 & Luke 20:20-26. This is a great feature where you do need Harmony of the Gospels in the back of the bible.
The 68 page concordance is pretty decent. I'm not disappointed considering you have to give or take when it comes to concordances. Depending on the size of your bible or if it's an actual study bible will kind of dictate what to expect from the concordance. The full color maps are really nice.
For the price of this bible (depending on where you get it from), you can't beat it. I am so happy to finally have a large volume of cross-references, subject headings (big plus for me)and the capital letter quotes. Plus, the size is really nice since I typically carry compact reference bibles in my purse. This bible measures 8 3/4 x 5 5/8 x 1 1/4. Therefore, you need to look for a cover that is possibly labeled small or medium. |
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Burgundy Bonded leather
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