OverviewBold text edition. Easy to read and difficult to wear out, this sturdy and attractive Bible is perfect for "hands-on" congregations! Black letter edition, presentation page, 5.5" x 7.75"
Publishers DescriptionUnique among pew Bibles, this editions's bold black typeface redefines the meaning of "easy-to-read." Senior citizens, people with vision difficulties, and beginning readers alike will appreciate the visible advantage of the Boldface Pew Bible. Constructed of high-quality materials, this Bible will give you years of faithful service. Choose from three pairs of classics colors that coordinate with any church sanctuary.
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Pages 1311
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 7.77" Width: 5.42" Height: 1.38" Weight: 1.5 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Jan 13, 2024
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISBN 0834003465 EAN 9780834003460
Bible Binding: Hardcover Color: Black Point/Type Size: 8.25 Version: KJV
Availability 96 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 10:26.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Holy Bible Jan 15, 2007 |
The Bible is probably the best reading material I have. To see where I have been and where I am going is inspiring! |
 | It's great Jan 4, 2007 |
If you are looking for a quality King James Version of the Holy Bible to buy, you need to buy this one. The text is bolded which makes it easier to read. There is even a section at the beginning of the book that has a daily Bible reading guide that tells you which chapters of the Bible to read each day of the year. I'm so glad I bought it. |
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