OverviewIn the pursuit of living healthier, wiser, stronger lives, many Bible readers faithfully tap into the book of Proverbs each day. Ancient Wisdom provides easy access to both God?s timeless book and timely application of truth for every reader?s current needs. This natural combination from Chicago-area pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel, best known across North America as Bible teacher on the popular Walk in the Word radio program and most recently for his personal revival conferences, Downpour: He Will Come to Us like the Rain, will be a trusted source of daily, biblical direction for readers in every season of life. The biblical text is featured in the popular new Holman Christian Standard Bible® translation."
"With its unique leather-like packaging and nontraditional arrangement of content, Ancient Wisdom makes an excellent devotional resource and gift idea."
Publishers DescriptionIn the search for spiritual guidance and life's ultimate purpose, many Bible readers are adamant about daily topping the book of Proverbs just as faithfully as the Gospels or Psalms. Ancient Wisdom is that timeless book retitled and coupled with devotional insights from emerging pastor James MacDonald, best-known for his Downpour conferences featuring Beth Moore. The biblical text is featured in the popular new Holman Christian Standard Bible translation. With its unique leather-like packaging and nontraditional arrangement of content, Ancient Wisdom makes a seeker-friendly resource and gift idea.
Pages 160
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 6.9" Width: 4.5" Height: 0.9" Weight: 0.55 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Apr 1, 2024
Publisher Broadman And Holman
ISBN 0805444289 EAN 9780805444285
Point/Type Size: 0.00
Availability 7 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 12:43.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Buyer Beware Dec 29, 2008 |
This is a nice little book, HOWEVER, I agree with the other review where James allows HIS personal interpretations to change the true meaning of the scripture. The most alarming is in Day 27, where he classifies homosexuals with immoral people, prostitutes, theives and drunkards. It would do him well to study the true scripture before using his own INCORRECT interpretations. |
 | If You Like James MacDonald's Preaching, You're Going to Love This Book Jul 20, 2007 |
Beautifully packaged, this book has content that matches. Not only do you get the entire text of Proverbs, but you get Pastor James' devotional insights on 31 passages.
And James writes as passionately as he preaches - it's like sitting down with him as you read through the Proverbs. Challenging and inspiring. |
 | A Good Gift Idea Jul 9, 2007 |
This is a short devotion on some of the author's favorite passages. He critiques them pretty well but allows his personal interpertations to be quite noticable. The appearance, binding etc., make this a very nice gift plus the devotions may lead you to a more in depth study of the wisdom of the book of Proverbs. |
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