The Odyssey (Signet Classics) [Paperback]
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613548 |
OverviewPresents Homer's age-old tale of the wanderings of Odysseus during his ten-year voyage back home to Ithaca after the Trojan War as he overcomes both divine and natural forces. Reissue.
Richly imagined by the blind bard around 900 B.C.E., Homer's story follows Odysseus on a decade-long journey as he flees Cyclops, angers his gods, resists the Sirens, averts his eyes from Medusa, docks in exotic cities-ever longing to return to his wife and son.
@IthacaStateOfMind Uh oh. This cave is a giant's lair. He has a taste for cheese, and my companions. He also has only one eye. Trying to keep from laughing.
Got him drunk. Put a hot poker in his ONE EYE when he blacked out. That will show him - if he could see. LOL. Time to leave.
Damn. Poseidon pissed. How was I supposed to know One-Eye was his son? What Olympian whore did he sleep with to get an issue like that?
From "Twitterature: The World's Greatest Books in Twenty Tweets or Less"
Pages 344
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 6.8" Width: 4.22" Height: 0.99" Weight: 0.4 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
Publisher Penguin Group USA
Age 18
ISBN 0451530683 EAN 9780451530684
Availability 0 units.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Worst Translation Ever Mar 13, 2009 |
If you are looking for the poetic translation of the Odyssey, I wouldn't reccomend this one. In fact, I wouldn't reccomend it to people who don't want that translation. WHD Rouse probably didn't use the original words of Homer. He criticized Homer in his note, saying that the poem version isn't good and that it should be put into simple words. If you want a good version of this classic, I would reccomend the Fagles version. It is poetic, yet not too hard. It's a good book. |
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