Buggy For Bugs Mini Incentive Charts
Our Price |
$ 5.79
Item Number |
5959355 |
OverviewStudents will look forward to tracking progress and reaching goals with the irresistible "Buggy" Bugs Mini Incentive Charts. Easy to personalize, Mini Incentive Charts can be used to keep track of completed assignments, reward positive behavior, and motivate students to reach goals! Each set includes 30 charts and 630 colorful coordinating stickers! Look for coordinating products in this character theme and a full assortment of coordinating color pallet designs to create an exciting cohesive classroom theme!
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 0.25" Width: 4.75" Height: 7.75" Weight: 0.15 lbs.
Release Date Jan 15, 2024
EAN 9781483802909 UPC 044222235239
Availability 8 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 05:19.
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