All the elegance of the Reina Valera revisin 1960 combined with the poetic beauty of the King James -Parallel edition of the Bible. This Bible is a great choice for those studying English or Spanish as a second language or for pastors of Spanish-speaking churches.
- Words of Christ in red
- Presentation page
- Harmony of the life of Christ
- Ribbon marker
- 1792 pages
- Print size: 10 pts
- 6 5/16" x 9 1/4"
- Black Bonded leather
Una edicin de la Biblia con versiones en paralelo fcil de leer. Cuenta con toda la elegancia de la Reina Valera revisin 1960 combinada con la belleza potica de la King James. Esta Biblia es una grandiosa opcin para aquellos que estudian ingls o espaol como segunda lengua o para pastores de iglesias de habla hispana.
- Indice en espaol (ediciones indexadas)
- palabras de Cristo en rojo
- pgina de presentacin
- armona de la vida de Cristo, cinta marcadora
- 6 5/16" x 9 1/4"
- 1792 pginas
- Piel fabricada
- color negro
Publishers DescriptionAll the elegance of the Reina Valera revision 1960 combined with the poetic beauty of the King James.
Pages 1824
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 10.35" Width: 7.26" Height: 1.88" Weight: 2.85 lbs.
Binding Leather, Bonded
Release Date Oct 20, 2023
Publisher Broadman And Holman
ISBN 1558190333 EAN 9781558190337
Bible Binding: Bonded Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 10.00 Version: SPPA Redlettering: Yes
Availability 11 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 05:35.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Nice Bilingual Bible Dec 2, 2008 |
This is a very nice bible that comes in a hard case to protect it. The borders are golden making it look much expensive. It comes with leather cover. The information is side by side allowing you to read the scripture both in English and Spanish. All words said by Jesus Christ are in red.
The only down side is that it has no headings at the beginning of each chapter and the paper is very thin and delicate. If you do not mind that, it is an excellent resource. |
 | Biblia bilingue (Revision Reina Valera 1960 / King James Version) Aug 27, 2008 |
This is an excellent bilingual bible especially for latinamerican people that use both language Spanish and English. I bought one for my older son, and i am going to buy three more for my other children. |
 | Great Bilingual Bible Jul 21, 2005 |
Very pleased with this Bible. Real leather cover, it is a nice Bible for the price. |
 | genuine leather Apr 28, 2003 |
I am a missionary in Nicaragua and have been using this Bilingual for years.I really would like yo have a genuine leather with a concordance and maps.I know it would sale good.Or even better a new bilingual NKJV/1960 Reina Valera. |
 | The best resource I've ever used overseas. Nov 7, 2001 |
As a Fundamental Baptist preacher, I have worn out two of these and am purchasing my third. I live in an area that has a large Hispanic population. I used to travel to Central and South America where it was invaluable. I have a South American friend who loves this Bible as well. Even if a person knows very little spanish, he can witness the gospel to those who do by locating the passages in english and letting the Spanish person read them in his or her own language. AMEN! |
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