OverviewWorld's most popular King James Version of the New Testament read by the famous Alexander Scourby. Compact discs packaged in attractive black zippered bay including FREE DVD entitled Indestructible Book. This is NEW packaging. This is a NON-dramatized version. Indestructible Book: Kings and emperors could not stop it. War and revolution could not destroy it. Retrace the historic path of God's word from Mt. Sinai to Plymouth Rock. Meet the scholars, teacher and missionaries whose passionate faith preserved the indestructible book. Documenting an incredible story of faith and sacrifice, this commentary by Bible scholar Ken Connolly tells of believers inspired by God to protect the Bible and carry its message ofhope and salvation forward through the centuries.
Publishers DescriptionWorld's most popular King James Version New Testament Audio Bible read by famous Alexander Scourby is recorded on fourteen (14) CDs packaged in an attractive black zippered case for storage and convenience. Free DVD included, The Indestructible Book, a dramatic story recounting in splendid detail the saga of Tyndale's heroic efforts to bring an English Bible to the English-speaking people of the world. It will stir your soul and give you a new appreciation for the Bible every time you read or hear it.
Pages 14
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 6.3" Width: 6.3" Height: 1.4" Weight: 0.8 lbs.
Binding CD
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Publisher Casscom Media
ISBN 1930034342 EAN 9781930034341
Point/Type Size: 0.00 Version: KJV
Availability 3 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 04:50.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Classic! Mar 8, 2010 |
This edition of the Bible on tape is superbly read, and a classic to listen to. |
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